once upon a time there was a girl with a fantastic memory. everyone used to rely on her to recall any detail, even from years in the past. then one day this girl had a baby and now she can't remember what she was just doing...
that is how my fairytale life is going these days. i can't remember anything! and my lists are just getting out of control. i carry around a pen and notepad so that i can jot down anything that i have to remember, but when i look at my note i can't always remember why i wrote it down!
the point of this story is to apologize for not having anything interesting

to post today. i know that i had thought of a point earlier today, but it escapes me now as i sit down to write.
anyway, i had some cute pictures of maddie from today with her daddy that i wanted to post.
on a related note (sort of), they are doing a series at our church called "catch the wave" for a fundraising project to help pay down the debt on the building, etc. as a part of the first message from this series, they had people write names of people they hoped would be reached for God

because of the church's funds not going to interest payments on the back wall of the sanctuary. today was the final message and while people were turning in their pledge cards they ran a powerpoint list of the 1200+ names that were written on the back wall. they were mainly first names or initials, but there were some that got me all teared up (i have become such an emotional mess since having maddie - and i was pretty emotional to begin with...) here are a few of the ones that got me reaching for the tissues: "future child", "daddy", "me", "mom", "my sister", etc. can you just imagine some child going back and writing "daddy" on the wall? it just broke my heart. i will be praying for "daddy" tonight. love.
1 comment:
She is too cute. Annabell too loves her exersaucer now. Qe are getting very excited to come see you all in Feb! Love
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