we are still waiting to see which tooth comes in next, but you can see her two teeth very easily when she talks or smiles. her hair is always hanging in her face now so we have to use barrettes and headbands everyday now. they are a loosing battle most of the time though because she is becoming more active.
today she has gotten to where she can get herself up on her knees and elbows, but she just rocks back and forth for a few seconds before just dropping her belly down and kicking her legs. she's getting closer to crawling, but not there yet. she has made some progress with her sitting though. she can now get herself back down on her belly without just tipping over. she sort of rolls forward and uses her arms to ease her body down when she is ready. she has also discovered that she can reach for things to pull herself up with! this was something she figured out just before bedtime and every time i tried to take a picture she would get so excited that she would fall down leaving me with a lot of these 'in motion' pictures of her holding on to her basket.

lastly, here is a video of her playing with her water cup that i thought was cute. its not in the video, but since we always end our highchair time with the water cup she has figured out that it signals the end of a meal. after her cereal tonight i got the cup out and she started fussing and refused to drink it. after a few tries i realized that when i took the cup away she would stop fussing so i decided to mix her up a little more cereal. she was so excited to have more to eat and ate it all before she would gladly drink her water without complaint. its just amazing how they figure out their routines! love.
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