since her mobility is just exploding right now i have started to give her free run of the house. i stay with her and follow her around, but i don't try to keep her confined to any

here is a video of our second new game of the day - dropping a beach ball on her belly. for some reason this was hysterical to her and i filmed it because she was snorting when she laughed.
her new trick of the day is that she can get herself back down after she pulls up on something. it takes her a few tries, but she doesn't need me to help her down any more and she doesn't fall to hit her face. i am so proud of her for being such a 'big girl'!
she also started making repetitive "b" sounds last night. i wonder what word she will say next...
just to give you an idea for what a wiggle worm she is, today she sat down from standing and when she came right back up she had somehow gotten her arm out of her sleeve in less than two seconds! and then she sat back down to play again.
on the foods front tomorrow we start tofu as a finger food. the egg yolks have gone over great - she gobbled up her oatmeal/millet porridge this morning when i mixed in the hard boiled yolk and avocado (sounds disgusting, right?). it was almost a full cup worth of food!
i can't wait to see what new things she will have for me tomorrow! love.
maddie riding on her new toy lion from grandma and big pop. we tried to have her walk with it first, but she didn't like when it moved. when we sat her on it she was accidentally rolling herself backwards.
here she is standing in her crib for the first time. well the first time she was able to stand herself up in her crib anyway.
just hanging around with daddy.
my little volleyball baby.
standing in her church dress from grandma and big pop. she is getting to be such a big girl!
madelyn and grandma
on a side note, the pampered chef party was a gluten-free one because a few of the kids in the neighborhood have allergies and i wanted to know more about cooking snacks for them when i hosted playgroup. i have a whole new level of respect for anyone who has to prepare meals around allergies. one of the mom's even got a little teary-eyed talking about it - granted she is pregnant with baby #2 - because her daughter is 16 months and has some severe allergies.
maddie continues to sleep pretty soundly for 10+ hours so i think we might be out of the bad trend i had created of feeding at night. cross your fingers for another good night tonight!
other than that, we had a pretty quiet day. her schedule got a little off because i had a meeting that went from 9 - 10 this morning which is normally when she would have breakfast and instead i had worked it so that she was napping (and crying a little). i would have felt guilty, but she was smiling and playing in her crib when my meeting finally ended.
so since there isn't anything too great from today, here is some more video of maddie just doing what she does from sunday after she had been stripped down from her cottage cheese snack/mess. love.
i don't think that i mentioned it or not, but my solution to her waking up at night is to just let her cry herself back to sleep. so far we have tried this for two nights. she doesn't really 'cry' so much as call out and wait for me to come and then call out again. the longest it has taken for her to fall back to sleep is 8 minutes (i keep track), so i don't feel too guilty. when i was trying to get her calories up so that she would go back to sleeping through the night i think i overindulged her and got her used to snacking and now i have to break the habit. she only woke up two or three times last night so i think we are making progress. what did i do to my little baby who has slept through the night since she was two weeks old?! i'll keep you all posted on if this works or not. love.