since i am already blogging i will also mention that she had her first bath in the real bathtub tonight. i picked up a mat at babies-r-us on friday because she is really too big for her infant tub and the last time i tried the real tub she just slid all over the place. being in the real tub was definitely more fun for maddie and me. and it made it a lot easier to make sure that she got really clean!

we tried mango this morning but it must be an acquired taste that maddie doesn't have yet. this is the first food that she has truly rejected. i guess i will wait a week or two before trying it again (it is really expensive to by organic mangoes and they don't make much). on a brighter note, she can't get enough yogurt with pears! she gobbles it up and gets mad if i take too long with her next bite! this is a major shift to the sour face she made after every bite earlier in the week. still no luck with the homemade rice cereal. i think that it is a texture thing. we are going to try the millet next and see what happens...
That is the most adorable video! What's the name of that book?
That video could definitely be part of the marketing scheme for the book :)
I remember Reece LOVED mangos -- but they were kind of $$$ to make -- so maybe its a good thing she doesn't love 'em :)
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