here is a video of our second new game of the day - dropping a beach ball on her belly. for some reason this was hysterical to her and i filmed it because she was snorting when she laughed.
her new trick of the day is that she can get herself back down after she pulls up on something. it takes her a few tries, but she doesn't need me to help her down any more and she doesn't fall to hit her face. i am so proud of her for being such a 'big girl'!
she also started making repetitive "b" sounds last night. i wonder what word she will say next...
just to give you an idea for what a wiggle worm she is, today she sat down from standing and when she came right back up she had somehow gotten her arm out of her sleeve in less than two seconds! and then she sat back down to play again.
on the foods front tomorrow we start tofu as a finger food. the egg yolks have gone over great - she gobbled up her oatmeal/millet porridge this morning when i mixed in the hard boiled yolk and avocado (sounds disgusting, right?). it was almost a full cup worth of food!
i can't wait to see what new things she will have for me tomorrow! love.
That snorting video is great! How cute - and I'm sure she'll love that you captured it for all eternity when she's 16 :)
I can't believe how big Maddie has gotten! I found her page from Annabell's page. This blog is a really awesome idea for keeping track of her milestones.
The sitting video made me laugh :) It's like she's teasing you that she's going to sit on an invisible chair. It reminded me of Ellen on her TV show when she's finished dancing and the DJ waits for her to sit to stop the music. :)
Ok...the first video was basically 30 seconds of you beating your child with a balloon. It was AWESOME. Great sound effects.
PS- why is she crying in the first picture?
i posted the crying picture because i thought it was cute and i felt that i needed to show that she doesn't smile ALL the time - just close to all the time.
i think she had just bumped her head on the table when she had gotten excited. i was snapping off a bunch of pictures and just happened to catch her crying. it was a very short lived outburst.
Look at that arm!! She is going to be quit the athlete!!! Tickets to the gun show..
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