while we haven't counted it as an official first word, maddie does say "da-di". i have been working with her on saying "daddy" for months now. my goal was to get her to say it by Christmas (like i have any control over these things). today she looked at matt and said "da-di" more than once, but we aren't convinced that it isn't just a coincidence - yet. she also did a good job of playing "where's daddy?". i ask her "where's daddy?" and she looks all around for matt until she sees him and then smiles. the video doesn't quite capture it because she was more interested in my new camera, but you can get the general idea. its pretty cute how much she loves her daddy.
in addition to office organization, i worked on prepping finger foods for maddie. we introduced

as you may have noticed in the pictures, i tried a new hairdo today for keeping her hair out of her eyes. matt doesn't like the little clips because they could be a choking hazard and the big bows aren't really practical for everyday play, so this was what i came up with...
here are some more pictures from our day at home.

maddie helping mommy clean her office.

playing ball in mommy's office. she was laughing as she would kick it away with her feet and i would roll it back to her.
one last note - i started introducing sign language a few weeks ago and i think that she might be trying to sign back. tonight we were saying "daddy" over and over doing the sign (open palm with the thumb touching the forehead and then moving away from your head) and she kept bringing her hand to the side of her head after we would do it - sometimes her hand was even wide open. i know, you are thinking to yourself that i am crazy, but i found it to be encouraging to my signing efforts.
as part of the signing effort, i have been letting her watch the baby einstein signing dvd. and she

okay - i am done sharing for tonight. love.
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