Friday, January 4, 2008

eating and sleeping

maddie had a big day of eating and sleeping today! she took a 2 hour nap in the morning, a 3 hour nap in the afternoon, and then one more one hour nap at 5. and she ate a lot too! after a pretty normal breakfast of a 1/4 cup of rice 'porridge' with 4 tablespoons of butternut squash, she had more than 1/4 cup of yogurt with 4 tablespoons of pears and then 6-7 tablespoons of sweet potatoes plus 2 tablespoons of avocado for dinner. she is just a growing girl, what can i say...

the video is of her 'talking' to her toys. i had put her on the floor with a few toys and pulled out the basket with the others - she did the rest. she crawled herself over to the basket, got up on her knees and started trying to get her toys out while 'talking'. this isn't her word talking (i.e. da, di, ga, goo, ya, etc.) it is her happy sound talking. she did eventually get her toys out of the basket i had just turned off the camera already to clean up the kitchen before daddy got home.

i don't think that i mentioned it or not, but my solution to her waking up at night is to just let her cry herself back to sleep. so far we have tried this for two nights. she doesn't really 'cry' so much as call out and wait for me to come and then call out again. the longest it has taken for her to fall back to sleep is 8 minutes (i keep track), so i don't feel too guilty. when i was trying to get her calories up so that she would go back to sleeping through the night i think i overindulged her and got her used to snacking and now i have to break the habit. she only woke up two or three times last night so i think we are making progress. what did i do to my little baby who has slept through the night since she was two weeks old?! i'll keep you all posted on if this works or not. love.

1 comment:

Zachritz Family said...

i think that is the right thing to do with the eating in the middle of the night. when i cut annabell off of midnight snacks she finally started to sleep better.