as you can see maddie wore herself out playing in my office today.

i turned around to check on her and she was just chillin' like this taking a break from crawling all over the improved floor space in my office and checking out all the office furniture that she couldn't reach before. she was particularly fond of the wicker baskets on my bookshelf and the magnets on my file cabinets.
she was sort of cranky today, but we still had a good day. she has finally gotten the hang of peek-a-boo. if i put a burp cloth over her face and say "where's maddie?" she will pull it off and smile/laugh. since she finally gets what all the excitement is over saying "peek-a-boo" i started hiding behind the furniture and peeking around the corner. she thought that this was a lot of fun and sat herself behind the ottoman so that she could peek out after i poked my head out from behind the couch and said "peek-a-boo". she would even go back to 'hiding' after she saw me.
with all the traveling and Christmas excitement i forgot to write about her first major accident -

there was blood. i was running around trying to get everything ready for our trip and we were getting ready to get in the car for dropping Christmas cards and other items off at the neighbors' houses. i was trying to sign a birthday card and maddie kept grabbing the card and the pen so i set her on her back on the carpet. she rolled over and crawled out onto the hardwoods. since we were going out she was wearing sweatpants and her knee slipped resulting in bloodied gums and lots of tears. it was her first experience on the hardwoods. i didn't even notice the blood until i got her to stop crying, but then i was a little upset. i think the fall just caused one of her top teeth to push all the way through the gum causing it to bleed. i figure that this is the first of many injuries to come and a pretty minor one at that. plus, she was chewing on hard toys only moments later without any hesitation.
i am happy to report that she now catches herself when she starts to fall. love.
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