so then i pulled her down to make her try again so that i could film her getting herself up and down the coffee table. but then she fell this time - oops. (she stopped crying quickly and went down for a nap.)
yesterday, i let her have some cottage cheese as part of her finger food afternoon snack. she

today we introduced millet porridge for breakfast and it might be a new favorite! i was really doubtful that she would eat it since she doesn't like the texture of the rice porridge, but she really liked it. now that she will eat two grains, i can mix the oatmeal and millet with some veggies to create true "super porridge" for a complete meal. yea!
i also let her try a straw cup today and she was able to suck her water up. i was actually
now that she can get around better - and quicker - she crawls over to my desk chair when she is ready to eat or nap. no, really. i know it sounds crazy, but all day she would play by herself in my office and then crawl over to my chair at the exact times when she has been eating and napping since we got home from Christmas in kansas.
sleeping update: saturday night maddie slept from around 7:30pm until 6:30am! and then last night she slept from around 7pm until 4am. the good news is that she went right back to sleep after i went and cuddled her for a minute at 4am. she was just sitting up in her crib and crying. i think that she couldn't figure out how to lay back down again. progress!
I have to say the video of Maddie pulling up and falling made me chuckle a bit -- not b/c I'm a horrible person and like to see babies get hurt. But b/c when she slips a bit the first time, you keep taping b/c its good blog footage :) But then, when she falls hard onto the basket, you immediately cut-off the camera and (I'm guessing) run to tend to her :) She'll be running all over the place in no time. I expect the blogs may get shorter in the near future with all the chasing you'll be doing :)
I think coffee tables were invented to be a child's first cruisin' object. They are at the perfect height for pulling up and until you realize your child is a pro, they have many appealing things on them to grab for. Yeah! to the people who invented the coffee table!
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