Friday, September 25, 2009

how could i forget?

mason slept for 10 hours on wednesday night! he woke up at 7am and went back down at 8am for another 4-1/2 hours. i can't believe i left it off of my update yesterday because i was so excited. now he didn't do it last night, but at least i know that now he can. i think it is a growth spurt because he has been eating like crazy for the past week; he needed to sleep for a while to do his growing.

since mason is getting to be such a big boy i thought that we would try swinging at the park today. he absolutely loved it! it probably helped that i knew how to make him comfortable from all my trial and error with madelyn. unfortunately he didn't get to swing very long because it began to rain shortly after i turned of my camera.

daddy tried him in his bumbo chair before dinner too. i put him back in it after his post-dinner nap for some pictures. he was too interested in sucking his thumb to sit up very straight, but he can and does when not sucking on his thumb.
speaking of thumb sucking, he gives both thumbs equal time. i read that kids tend to use the opposite hand of their sucking thumb as their dominant hand. it looks like madelyn will be right-handed because she sucks her left thumb, but mason still has hope for being a lefty. that is of course if the thumb sucking rule hold true. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

love the smiles on the swing! Yeah for sleep!

Grandma Z. said...

That is the cutest picture and video of Mason. He is such a little sweetie! He is only 3 months old, so don't rush him too much. I can't believe he's as strong as he is.