mason is super laid back and extremely patient. if i can't get to him when he is ready to eat he will just go back to his nap with hardly any fussing or he will just wait quietly until i can get to him. it seems like he 'talks' way more than madelyn did at this age (and madelyn was a chatter-box) and he definitely mimics what you do. he will smile, stick his tongue out, make motorboat sounds, say "ah-goo" the same number of times you do, and laugh.
we still haven't figured out a napping schedule for him. so far he wants to nap when he wants to nap and there doesn't seem to be any trend from one day to the next. i am trying to pay more attention to the time he falls asleep and the time when he wakes up to try and figure out what works best for him though. this morning he wanted to nap instead of eat and slept for at least 4 hours! he was just too tired to be bothered with nursing. madelyn was so like clockwork that it is weird to have a baby that keeps me guessing. at least his physical signs of tiredness are unmistakable so i can just look at him and know that he is ready for a nap - when ever that might be.
he is finally old enough for me to look back at posts of madelyn at this same age so that has been fun. so far he is keeping up - except with teeth. madelyn had her first at 13 weeks so she has him beat there. he is drooling like there is one coming but i now think that we have a while to wait yet. love.
He looks like a little angel. I'm so happy for you that he is sleeping so well. This picture of him reminds me of you but with a boy look, especially the nose and mouth. Anyway , he is beautiful!
Cutie-pa-tootie! So funny, a lot of your post reminds me of differences between Lorelai and Kinley- except for the random sleeping. Kinley seems SO much more laid back than Lorelai was/is and she's yet to get her teeth, too. Lorelai had two by now and Kinley is still at zero.
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