- mason sat up in the stroller for the first time when we went to the park this afternoon. i think it was only a big deal to me.
- i forgot to mention our disney shopping experience in my orlando post. the main thing i wanted to note was how unselfish madelyn is while shopping. we let her play with toys in stores but she has to put them back when we are ready to move on. she never begs for anything either. this became a problem when we were trying to get her to pick a souvenir - she kept putting everything that we all agreed to back on the shelf and walking away! when we finally got her to select a stuffed pluto toy she didn't want the larger one daddy picked out. she wanted the smallest size they offered. matt was so proud. we got an accessory for halloween too.

- mason wore his first chargers gear to church on sunday and looked very cute!
- madelyn has become obsessed with spotting a "m for madelyn"! she has been doing this for a little while now but she has taken it to a whole new level while we were on vacation and can spot it with surprising speed. she was delighted when she looked out the window on the airplane and saw "airtran.com" on the wing or as she saw "m for madelyn"!
- at some point last week we were riding in the car and i asked madelyn what she was doing. her response? "thinking about palm trees. hmmmm." she even brought her pointer finger to her chin in a thoughtful pose.

- mason now says "ma" and it sounds like he is saying "mom" when he cries to eat.
- madelyn heard her cousin, annabell, say "yes, sir" to her daddy (uncle brad) and immediately began, "yes, sir. yes, sir. three bags full." these days almost any phrase she hears sends her into a song containing the same phrase.
- madelyn heard her cousin, annabell, say "yes, sir" to her daddy (uncle brad) and immediately began, "yes, sir. yes, sir. three bags full." these days almost any phrase she hears sends her into a song containing the same phrase.
- madelyn has taken to sitting on my lap and examining my face pointing out all the imperfections. aren't i a lucky lady?

- mason has started clasping his hands together across his chest.
- i was planning on taking madelyn to the library on tuesday morning to return books and pick out some new ones. but when i suggested that we get dressed and go she told me that she just wanted to stay home. poor kid missed being home. after returning saturday night, we went to church sunday morning, she had school on monday morning, and just wanted to stay home by the time tuesday came around. she spent the morning quietly playing with most of her toys, had a nice long nap, and spent all day in her pjs. it definitely did her good to stay home.

- this is a picture requested by madelyn. i think her face gets blank when she holds mason because she is concentrating so hard on holding him.
- i usually answer "where is madelyn's house?" with our street address so when i answered "at home" when we were driving home from school on monday she got really upset. she said, "no mommy! no talk to me! madelyn's house is on xxxx." saying our street name. she likes hearing our actual address.
- repetition is the name of the game. madelyn asks me to sing songs over and over when she can't remember the words singing them on her own. or in the case of our street address, she will ask me over and over for as long as i will answer her. and she has proven time and time again that she is soaking it all in.
- she was very talkative last night when we went to a local restaurant as a fundraiser for her school (they give 10% of sales to the school once a month). here are the highlights:
- "my tummy doesn't feel well", "why, madelyn?", "there are too many snacks in my tummy. i need to eat my dinner." and after dinner "my tummy is all better because it is full of my food."
- "there is a monster under daddy's chair." in the car, but we discovered that it was a friendly monster.
- "there is the moon up there. it is really high. i need to get a ladder to get it."
- sunglasses have become a staple. the funny part? she mainly wears them out night - like when it is dark. love.
Mason looks like JUMBO baby in Maddie's arms!!! It has had me rolling at the office all morning. I keep going back and clicking on it and making it bigger! I can always count on your blog to make me smile after a long week!
What a great post! SO much good info. Feels like I'm there :)
I'm telling you, you need to write a book. What great pictures and it looks like matt has his hands full. You are capturing so much and it is so fun to be able to see all that is going on. Wish we could be there with you.
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