and you can imagine how excited the packed waiting room at the doctor's office was to hear madelyn call that out to the nurse when they called mason back. madelyn and i took mason to the doctor so that i could show them his dry skin at his worst. i have been going back and forth about whether i should bring him in but when i took off his pajamas this morning i knew that today was the day.
the dry skin patches are red and about the size of a quarter. this morning they were covering his entire chest and most of his belly. they don't really look like dry skin, more like raw skin. it doesn't seem to bother mason in the slightest, but i have been worried that it might leave scars. he does grab at his chest in a way that looks like scratching when his shirt is off. the doctor prescribed a steroid cream that should have him cleared up by saturday or she wants us to come back.
and here he is just being happy mason (and saying "ma-ma"). love.she has been able to spell her name for a little while, but was feeling in the mood to do it for the camera today. love.
- matt and i must say "honey" and "sweetie" to each other a lot because madelyn has started to call us by these pet names from time to time.
- another one of madelyn's favorite expressions is "it's nothing". sometimes we have to tell her, "yes, actually it is something, madelyn."
- madelyn told me that one of her friends at school, gavin, bumped her today but told her that he was sorry. and then she told me that she gave him one of her common explanations - "it happens". she makes us laugh a lot around here by telling us that, "it's okay, mom/dad. it happens sometimes."
- last night mason took his first real bath in the tub with madelyn! madelyn was ecstatic and i think mason was a little overwhelmed because she kept trying to teach him how to splash - it was just a little too much action for him. i will say that it was really nice not to have to mess with the toddler tub. we took some cute pictures, but i try to refrain from posting nudity. :)
- it's so neat to see how different mason plays with the same toys madelyn had at his age. he is really into the texture of things and loves to rub his fingernails on them to check it out. he also 'carries' toys more than madelyn did. he likes to pick toys up a lot more than i ever noticed madelyn do. and not just to put them in his mouth; he picks them up to move them around.
so there are a few updates to tide you over as i try to figure out how to get more personal time in my day for blogging... love.
...with a reindeer named rudolph.
and of course she had to fall for someone matt wants to drop kick. here she is after church showing rudolph's lovely (and at the volume of a jet engine) 'singing' voice. she leaves the frame for a minute to get behind me and make noises to get rudolph to smile for the camera.
today when she went to school with daddy she said, "i love you, rudolph," on her way out the door.
and this rudolph isn't really that snugly. it has a hard plastic base and weighs a ton, but that hasn't stopped madelyn from taking it to bed with her. she treats it like a person and congratulates him on a "great job" singing or smiling or whatever she is pretending that he is doing.
we just hope that this isn't a future indication of her selections for affection... love.
i was able to get a little video of his back scooting today. i think he was just high-tailing it away from madelyn's oral examination...
i am torn about the crawling. i really want him to achieve that milestone, but selfishly it would be easier for me to work if he waits longer. i am hoping that he starts before my trip at the end of the month because i will be really, really bummed if he crawls for the first time when i am gone. we'll just have to wait and see. love.