Monday, April 26, 2010

ridiculous day

today was just a ridiculous day and it was only fitting that it was a monday! as i mentioned a few posts ago, computer troubles have really been slowing me down and stressing me out. i finally got connected with our i.t. director at work this morning to discuss what he wants to do about my computer but he was heading in to a meeting so said that he would have to call me back. so i started to backup my hard drive in case i needed to ship my computer down to him for repairs.

madelyn was the 'snack friend' today at school so i had made the sunflower biscuits last night (the theme for the day was "flowers") and had almost everything packed up except for the jelly to serve with it that i thought for sure i would forget in the morning. i got everyone loaded up in the car, remembered the jelly, and headed off to school a little later than i wanted because of messing with the computer stuff and prepping for meetings in case the computer died again.

on the way to school i realized that i forgot to grab a jacket for madelyn to wear during recess. oh well. she was wearing long sleeves and it wasn't that cold out. i wasn't going back home. but then i pulled into the school's parking lot and realized that i forgot to put her backpack in the car. and her backpack had her state required two blankets, "friend", and her water cup in it. i was going to have to come back with it later in the morning. ugh!

so back home for my 10:30 meeting which ended up not starting until 11:00 because my boss was running a little late. the problem was that i had not put mason down for his nap because i was going to wait until after i ran madelyn's backpack up to the school. but since the meeting was later than planned he started to get fussy. i ran up for a bowl, some cereal, and water to keep him happy while he had to wait a little longer for his nap. that worked out great except eating on the floor meant that his wet hands picked up every stray dog hair on the floor and i was grossed out! not that it bothered him at all. and then once my meeting started mason reached up and pulled a huge pile of folders off my desk on top of him and he started to scream. again - ugh! thankfully, i got him quieted down pretty quickly and finished up my meeting.

now it was almost 11:30 and madelyn's class goes down for their nap shortly after their noon lunch so i felt like i needed to hurry and get her stuff up to the school. i grabbed my 'keys', sunglasses, and phone on my way out the door with mason. i get him all settled, run around to my seat, and go to start the car - "key is not detected" - where in the world is it?! our car doesn't have an actual 'key'. it has a fob that just has to be in the car for it to start. so i jump out and look in the house again, no key (i still call it a "key" because i don't like saying "fob"). i open mason's door and check all around his car seat - no key. i figure that i must have buckled it in under him so i just run in a grab the spare so that i can leave. i can always find it later. i am about a mile from the house when i hear a sound outside the car. normally i would have just written it off as something in the road because it wasn't really that loud or concerning, but i had a bad feeling about this noise since there was a missing key somewhere. i pulled over and looked around not finding anything. then i decided to go ahead and double back a little to see if there is anything in the road. sure enough there is the fob laying in the road! thankfully it was in the center of the lane and the cars weren't running it over and i was able to make an illegal u-turn right to it. there was also an unusual break in traffic that allowed me to run into the road and get it without risk. thank goodness it wasn't even scratched! i kept thinking that matt is going to kill me when i saw it in the road. those fobs cost like $500 to replace!

that is when i decided that this day has been ridiculous.

i got madelyn's stuff to the school and she asked if she should go home. honestly, i thought about just taking her home then so that i didn't have to come back again in a few hours to pick her up. but i sucked it up and let her finish out her day. i am happy to report that my day picked up a little bit after that too.

i still had a few more oddities, like accidentally hanging up on dell tech support while they were getting my dispatch number for service call that is hopefully going to happen tomorrow. (their website was not working when i tried to find their phone number again to change my service call and i realized that if i could get back in bed, this was really the day for it.) but my netbook is working again (obviously, because i am suddenly posting again) and there is a light at the end of the tunnel with my work computer - assuming dell shows up tomorrow.

i am just glad that this day is over. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Yikes! That definitely qualifies as ridiculous! Remind me of that kids book so and so and the no good, horrible, very bad day- something like that. I would have had the same thoughts about the fob ($$$) glad you found it unscathed.

Grandma Z. said...

Maybe now you can start to understand why I am the way I am. I had many days like that one, but I must admit that your crazy day may take the tops!!! Glad it's over for you.