Monday, April 26, 2010

madelyn notes too

not to be left out, here are a few quick notes about madelyn too.

- one of her favorite games is "you be madelyn and i'll be mommy". i can't even describe how much she loves to play this almost daily. sunday she and i were running errands together while the boys were at home and as we were walking through the parking lot she said, "madelyn, hold my hand so the cars don't get you" (we were already 'playing'). i think she just loves calling me "madelyn" and insists that i call her "mommy". we must seem pretty funny walking through the store with her pushing the cart she can't see over and me calling her "mommy". i must admit that i love playing it with her because she just thinks that it is so funny.

- another thing about madelyn that i love right now is that she thinks everyone cares about her. she is always trying to tell the cashier about what we are buying or the store we are going to next or her toy at home that madelyn thinks is special. they usually do not share her enthusiasm or even understand what she is talking about so out of context, but she is not discouraged. although sometimes she will ask about why that girl/boy didn't talk to me.

and that is it for now. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

I think thats part of the egocentricism of a near-three year old. Its all about them. Lorelai tells people things out of the blue and expects them to know what she's referencing , of course. I bet the two girls would have a lovely conversation like this. They's understand each other perfectly :)