Monday, May 31, 2010

mason at the park

on friday evening i took the kids down to the park because it was the most beautiful day. mason climbed up on the equipment all on his own to play the 'bells' and went on to try the slide for the first time (with help). here he is happily playing the 'bells'.

now, this one shows mason trying to climb up the slide and then just climbing off and turning around to climb back on again. madelyn interrupted him, but he did this for a while. just off and on over and over. he took a pretty good spill, but never cries. he just climbs right back up on the slide. enjoy. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

He's so content to just keep it at. I love it.

Grandma Z. said...

Mason is just too cute trying to climb the slide and such a trooper when falling off. I love how he keeps trying. Maddie will love it when he can run and play with her.