when the doctor walked in she asked, "how did you already get to 28 weeks? i thought that you were only 15 weeks." it is going fast. this summer has just disappeared on me!
i only gained 4/10 of a pound in the past month. don't be too impressed because i think that i gained a lot last month with all our traveling and house guests. i think i have gained around 15 pounds overall so far (my doctor doesn't really focus on the weight gain and unless i happen to see it quickly on the scale's small display i don't have any idea.)
i am measuring 28 weeks and the baby's heart rate was good so a pretty uneventful checkup.
this pregnancy really has been the easiest one so far, but being my third i feel like i am in the final weeks instead of still having 12 weeks left. this baby is just so much lower than the others and i am already having a lot of intermittent pelvic pressure, but none of this is of any concern - all totally normal. since he is so low, anything with a waistline is extremely uncomfortable. i change into super loose gym shorts whenever i get back home for a little relief (that is why i have on blue shorts in the picture instead of the khaki shorts that matched and i was wearing all day running around). and thankfully, he has settled down a little at night and i am sleeping again.
madelyn likes to feel the baby move and "play" with him. she pushes on my stomach and waits for him to 'kick' back. she also likes to give my belly hugs and kisses for her newest little brother. mason likes to hug my belly too. he mainly does it when i am pushing him in a shopping cart because the height is right. he reaches for me and pulls on my shirt until he can get his arms around my belly and rest his head on it for a hug - so sweet. of course he also likes to climb on my belly when i am laying on the couch and crush his little brother. at least the new guy has been warned... love.
Looking fabulous! I love the comment about little bro having been warned :) I'm with your doc, hard to believe its been 28 weeks already, on the other hand, November seems just around the corner. Riding low for another 12 weeks should be so much fun :)
This is a great picture of you! I still think you look very big already. Maddie will be so excited when the baby comes. She's at a great age. Mason will be a little surprised to see what ws in your belly, but I know they will be pals.
you look great!
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