mason is really into chairs lately. i am pretty sure this has a lot to do with the fact that he has figured out how to climb into the regular sized chairs all on his own. this picture is funny because madelyn was sitting in this chair looking at the pottery barn kids halloween catalog and i sat mason next to her to look too. when they were done the catalog ended up on the floor. when mason found it later he picked it up and then climbed up into the chair to 'read' it.
he has also figured out how to climb up into his booster seat all on his own. he spends what seems like a lot of time just sitting in his booster seat at the kitchen table just waiting for the next opportunity to eat. he doesn't cry or ask for food - he just sits and waits.
mainly he just climbs on and off of chairs around the house and the couches all day. he never sits still. love.
He is getting so big. I am sure he looks proud of himself everytime he gets up in a chair. I wonder what the next accomplishment will be for him.
Getting so big! I see you've got a monkey-see-monkey-doer on your hands, too. it is unbelieveable how much of that is going around here.
I think you are going to have a giant on your hands!! Nana
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