Friday, August 27, 2010

take me out to the ball park

wednesday night madelyn and daddy got dressed up in their brewers best and headed out to miller park for a special daddy/daughter date. (and, yes, it was cool enough that we put her in a fleece.) madelyn loves, loves, loves miller park and gets so excited whenever she sees it. she had really be looking forward to this night out with daddy. she did have moments of sadness that mason and i would not be joining them for the game.

apparently they had a really great time together! (not that there was ever really any doubt.) daddy said that madelyn was a trooper because they did a lot of walking and she never complained about it. and i know that she was good because they didn't get home until 11:00pm! and she was still awake and smiling.

she has been talking about the game ever since (daddy has mentioned how fun it was a few times too). mainly madelyn talks about her "twisty-twist" that she shared with daddy (aka a fancy lollipop she got with her pb&j 'kids meal'). apparently she cried that no one threw a ball to her like last time and that bernie didn't go down the slide (there were no home runs). she was also very concerned that a ball was going to hit her in the face - or so she told me the next day. i assured her that daddy would not let her get hurt.

surprising me, daddy let her pick out a souvenir. while he offered her a pink ball cap, bernie pillows, etc. but she chose the $5 bernie brewer pen. daddy loves how she always picks the cheapest, smallest souvenir when we go somewhere - and loves it.

i am so glad that they got to have such a great night at the ball park together! love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

what a great memory for them to share. and a fabulous daddy-daughter picture, too!

Grandma Z. said...

That is one adorable picture! What a great night for Maddie. I'm so glad she loves baseball and can share that with Daddy.