i had noticed a fresh batch of mosquito bites all over her body in the morning that she must have gotten while we were at the fair (even though i didn't think that they were bad at all). including one on the bridge of her nose. since it was on her face it was the only bite that didn't get bug bite medicine before school. i covered as many of the other bites as possible with band aids so try and prevent her scratching them during the day (we have been doing this every day).
when i dropped madelyn off at school i told her teacher about her bites just so that she could be watching for madelyn picking at the band aids or scratching. then when i picked her up it was her teacher pointing out madelyn's face to me. when i saw how swollen and red the area around her eye was i decided to call her doctor as soon as we got in the car.
the office said that it sounded like an unusual reaction to a mosquito bite so they wanted to get her in for a doctor to have a look. in the mean time they suggested that i give her some benadryl to see if that helped. i gave her a dose right before i took the picture above and it didn't make any difference.
we waited about 20 minutes for the on-call doctor to come in for our appointment and she had barely closed the door behind her before she said that it was just a bug bite. since we were there i tried to ask questions and explain more of her reactions to mosquito bites, just to make it worth the trip. basically, madelyn just has an extreme sensitivity to mosquito bites. the doctor told me that poison ivy works the same way, some people just react way more than others. as long as madelyn could breathe and the bites didn't become hard, she is fine. no matter how bad they look.
and this one on her nose/eye looks bad - the picture does not do it justice. it was horrible this morning. that really would have been the dramatic picture to post but i couldn't find the camera before taking her to school. thankfully, it is looking much better tonight and is finally showing signs that the swelling is going down.
poor kid is going to have to wear bug spray every day or just stay in the house. oh well. it could be worse - at least we don't need an epi-pen or anything. love.
Poor Maddie! At least it just looks bad and she is OK and not too bothered by it.
Yikes. I thought she got in a scuffle.
I sat at lunch today w/ a teacher (man) who lived in the Chicago area (formerly)and he talked about how bad the mosquito population was in WI etc. You need to move back here :)
Of course we have had almost 100 degree temps all week - too hot even for bugs! ha! We used to use Avon Skin So Soft bath oil. Love, Nana
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