mason was very excited to color at the table and madelyn was very excited to 'teach' him how to color. mason really likes coloring and did so for about twenty minutes before a crayon found its way into his mouth.
madelyn decided that they should hang their coloring sheets up in their rooms. we ended up hanging them up on the outside of their doors.

mason had a rough night and didn't have a great nap either. he woke up with a very runny nose and a super drool producing mouth (as you can see in the picture). i am pretty sure that he is just dealing with the other eyetooth and molars starting to cut the gums. by the time i got the motrin ready for him during his longest crying jag last night he had fallen back asleep. i think he woke up four times last night and every 15 minutes or so during his 2 hour nap. he never woke up enough to get out of bed. it was more like he was crying in his sleep. that is why i am leaning towards teething as the problem.
tonight we gave him some motrin before putting him down so hopefully it will be a more restful night for us all. love.
1 comment:
Hope he's feeling better soon. Isn't itgreat whe he kids are playing so well together, you feel like you don't even need to be present?
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