Monday, August 16, 2010

i can

i think poor mason is going to lose his toe nail. the picture is from today after he dropped a can of something out of the cabinet and on to his toe yesterday. he was taking jars and cans out of the cabinet and carrying them over to the kitchen table and quite enjoying himself. and then there was crying. silence (the big inhale). and then the scream. poor mason. i got him cleaned up put a band aid over his bleeding toe. at least it doesn't seem to be bothering him any more.

not only did his toe hurt, but he has added two more teeth to the action in his mouth and appears to have had a growth spurt in the past two days. on august 14th his upper right eyetooth came through and his lower right one is so close that i can see it clearly. it just isn't quite through the gum yet.

and yesterday he could not get enough sleep. he started with a nap from 9 - 11, a second nap from 1:30-4, and was ready for bed about 6:30pm. he slept until almost 7am this morning (which is later than normal) and he was barely able to stay upright. this was always a clear sign of a growth spurt with madelyn - lots of sleep and a temporary loss of balance. usually the loss of balance only lasts one day.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Wwoza - that's a good sized foot. Poor thing. I think Kinley might be spurting right now, too. Very clumsy.

Grandma Z. said...

Poor Mason! He was having so much fun too! Those are definitely Matt's feet!