Sunday, August 1, 2010

the pit stop

today we were lucky enough to be the pit stop for uncle dennis, aunt joy, rachel, leah, dayton, and nolan on their way to minneapolis for a little vacation. our house just happens to be at almost the exact mid-point of their drive from indiana so we offered to host them for lunch.
madelyn decided to wake up pretty early and actually came into our room about a quarter to seven. i had promised matt he could sleep in so i got up with her. only i woke up with a migraine. i tried to suffer out waiting for my regular (aka baby friendly) tylenol to kick in, but i knew that the only relief would come if i could go back to sleep. i turned on some cartoons for madelyn, got her some breakfast and headed back to bed. i think matt got up with madelyn around 8am.
thankfully, mason slept until 8:30! by the time i got up with him my migraine had been tamed and we were all ready to work on our final prep before our guests arrived. madelyn and i ran to the store for a few last minute purchases while mason napped and, unfortunately, i was still cooking when everyone arrived.
madelyn took everyone, or maybe just nolan, for a tour of the house. she pointed out couches, pictures, etc. more than rooms but it was cute to listen to her tell about our home. while matt and madelyn led tours, i finished up lunch. and all the older kids had fun raiding madelyn's dress-up clothes. the best part was nolan walking around in madelyn's ariel heels.
we had a great visit and are so glad that everyone was able to stop in and see us! love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Ha - lovely outfits and pose :) stinky that you had a migraine. Glad you're feeling better.

Grandma Z. said...

Glad to see all those dress-up clthes are going to good use. Shows you that Madelyn will use them for awhile. Cute picture.