it also occurred to me that this was my first trip to the grocery store by myself with all three kids. all i can say is thank goodness for the carts with cars on the front. i have always hated it when madelyn wanted to ride in them before, but with all three kids it was the only way i would have been able to put groceries in the basket. i have only gone to the store while madelyn was in school or with matt helping - this was doubly new. the only other times i have taken out all three has been to sams where the carts can seat mason and maddux or where i have been able to use the double stroller.
the kids were troopers because we were there at least two hours and it was almost lunchtime when we left. mason gave up towards the end and fell asleep on madelyn's shoulder. she was nice enough to let him sleep like that for a good 20 minutes. i was so proud of her for not complaining. people kept telling me that he was out cold and that i should really get a picture. thankfully, i did get one with my phone. love.
Go you! Thats quite a feat - especially at a new store. What a neat concept that they give the kids $ for goods. That could work out to be a great behavioral tool in the store :)
ugh ... that sounds terrible ... I'm impressed you got out of there with all three kids and your groceries :) Hopefully next time goes better.
What a day but you made it through it! Maddux is getting so big. Maddie is such a good sister to let Mason sleep on her like that. What was the name of the grocery store?
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