Friday, December 10, 2010

maddux noise

when maddux was born he still had quite a bit of fluids in his stomach. (i was told this was because he was born so quickly and didn't get squished to remove the fluids.) anyway, every time the nursing shift would change they would become concerned with the breathing noise maddux made. to me it was cute cooing of contentment but to them it was a sign that he was struggling to breath. the pediatrician had already seen him and thought that it was fine (although she did put him on a pulse-ox machine to make sure that he was getting enough oxygen for a little while - and then off and on when nurses were concerned). at one of our follow-up appointments the pediatrician told me that after the third nurse called her about his noises that she went ahead and ordered a chest x-ray so that there would be a record that his chest was indeed clear and they would leave her alone and to be certain that he was fine. (of course, i knew that she had ordered the chest x-ray - she had told me that she might.)

so here is a video of maddux this week making the noise he has made since birth that alarmed so many nurses... love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

what an adorable noise! Would be hard to sleep next to, though. :)