Wednesday, December 1, 2010

2-week appointment at 3-weeks

maddux' 2-week well check was postponed until after the holiday so he actually was seen one day short of being 3 weeks old. here are his stats from yesterday:

height - 23.75 inches (98th percentile)
weight - 11lbs. 7oz. (94th percentile)
head circumference - ?cm (55th percentile)

i didn't catch what the head circumference was but it measured smaller than birth and obviously had not shrunk so it was just chalked up as human error. the doctor said i should "bottle" whatever i am doing because he put on a very impressive amount of weight since his last appointment. she didn't think that he would make it back to his birth weight (11lbs.) by this appointment given how much he lost at first. any way, great check-up. as our pediatrician put it, "he is perfect. absolutely perfect."

we also said good-bye to dr. delisle. we have loved having her as a pediatrician and am sorry that we can't bring our kids to see her any more. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Who mismeasures a head? Have you found a new ped in Ohio? YOu'll probably be due for an appt right when you get there!