Tuesday, October 25, 2011

plan b

like i said in the last post, today looked like the only nice day for the week.  i had packed a lunch for us to eat at the zoo after picking madelyn up from school.  only then i got a call that the electrician could come look at the ovens again (yes, of my three ovens, only one was working - one was electrical and one is the appliance) this afternoon.  and then i remembered that i had 2 and 3pm meetings scheduled for work.  oh well.  mason was so disappointed that he cried - more than once.  why, oh why, did i break my own rule about not telling where we are going until we are on our way?!

i promised them that we would go to the neighborhood park and get the bike and scooter out after my meetings.  mason was pretty interested in the bike since he had no memory of it and stopped crying about the zoo.  he did keep talking about the zoo though...
climbing the rope ladder at the park.

riding the 'bike' on the sidewalk in front of the house.
it wasn't quite what any of us had in mind for the day, but it worked out.  and it helped that i could promise them another trip to the zoo that weekend.  love.


Grandma Z. said...

I bet it is so great for all of you to be able to ride bikes and have a sidewalk. Looks like a great place to play!

Witenkling Mommy said...

I'm very familiar with that 'rule' good thing you'll have those ovens ready for turkey day :) I agree with your mom- what an awesome area for bike riding and such!