Monday, October 3, 2011

keeping the fun going...

it was so beautiful out and i felt bad about taking mason to the park when everything was too wet for playing, so i went home, made lunches and packed everything up for the zoo.  i let mason tell madelyn where we were going after we picked her up, but she didn't believe him!  she told me that mason was saying that we were going to the zoo.  yes, madelyn, to the zoo for lunch!  she was so very excited that she was trying to yell this information out the window to her teacher as we drove away!
we lucked into an insect table that was set up just for the day.  madelyn asked if she could touch them but the lady thought she said that she was from a local suburb - oh well.  madelyn and mason were both very interested in the critters and we even came back for a second visit on our way out.
now that maddux is taking more and more steps, i decided that he can get down and explore on his own a little.  there weren't very many people at the zoo today so we practically had the whole place to ourselves.
we ended up having to leave shortly after this picture because mason had two false starts in the bathroom and i couldn't haul the stroller into the bathroom one more time (it really is a difficult maneuver to get all of us in there and the bathroom is not air-conditioned).  even with the abrupt end, it was a nice afternoon outside.  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Its like they're paying YOU to go to the zoo since you get to go so frequently. Awesome.