Friday, October 7, 2011


this week has been crazy!  my days have started before 6am and ended between 1 or 2am.  it has been a heavier work week (not in hours, but in the complexity of the tasks) so i have been working starting the second the kids go to bed until after midnight. 

second, madelyn had a 24-hour vomit bug thursday that kept her home from school and in bed almost all day.  the worst was that she was starving and wanted to eat and drink.  but she couldn't even keep down water.  and she kept trying.  i was trying to convince her not to drink and eat, but she cried for food and water.  at least it was only 24-hours.

third, and this is the best part!, we found out that we get to move into the house a whole week earlier!!!  we had a miscommunication about when the builder was going to be done with the house and are so, so, so excited that we get to move sooner.  as a result we have had to kick all of the transitional tasks up too (getting movers, forwarding mail, utilities, etc).

fourth, we were over budget last month from all of our travels so we only bought absolute essentials the last two weeks.  this week the new month started and i could buy everything we needed - like, laundry detergent (i did 15 loads this week!) and groceries (thank goodness for my 'couponing' because we spent very little and ate pretty well).

now, i am caught up for the most part but wanted to explain the lack of posts.  i don't expect things to be very consistent (post-wise) for the rest of the month as we move.  anyway, we are all good and healthy now (well, mason and maddux have a stomach bug of sorts too and maddux is cutting three molars).  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

I love it 'we're all good and healthy, well except for' the stomach bugs.... Yay for moving early - when's the big day?! Hope the next weeks are calmer. Just think, you'll be in your house sooooo soon!

Becky said...

You are excused :)