it was going to be another hot one, so the guys got an early tee time (because nothing should keep you from golfing, right?). mason was the only kid who tagged along because he is the one least likely to complain about being hot or being hungry or wanting to leave. plus, he gets really, really excited about golf (just like daddy).
maddux was upset that he wasn't in the first shot and insisted on his own picture. |
madelyn was pretty upset when they were leaving and she found out that she didn't get to go too. i told her that we were going to go somewhere special and that we would go somewhere fun for lunch. a few minutes, some questions about where we were going to go instead and a reluctant "ok" later she put away her crying.
i realized that i didn't know where matt had put the keys to the van (and fearing the worst - his pocket) i gave matt a call. and, yes, the keys were in his pocket. not a total loss, nana could drive her car to pick the keys up and while we would get a later start than planned, we could still head out. nope. the van was parked behind her car. we were stuck.
nana came up with some "special" things madelyn could do while we were at their house. they strung some beads, colored and made a birthday cake for uncle derek (madelyn, of course, took care of the eggs).
and then we went downstairs to watch a little t.v. nana took a nap and i was holding a sleeping manning. when the second show ended i wondered if we could hear the timer on the oven. about that same time nana woke up and remembered the cake. yep. it was a bit over cooked - not a total loss, but probably not that great. oh well.
nana and i were joking that they did it on purpose so that we couldn't spend any money. we still managed to have a nice day but were starting to get a little cabin fever after two days inside.
mason did pretty great with golfing in the heat but did get kind of hungry since they went about three hours past his lunch time and that isn't considering the hour time change. he did have snacks but not enough to make up for the super late lunch. matt still said that he was a great sport about it and mason said that he had a fun day - once he woke up from passing out in the car.
matt and i went out with manning for a 'date night'. we were most interested in getting some oklahoma joe's barbecue! we did stop at kohl's for some black shorts for matt to wear in the family pictures tomorrow and got an ice cream cake for derek (nana had said that it was her original plan before she and madelyn even started the other cake). it was nice to be able to hold matt's hand myself and spend a little time together. thanks to papa, nana and uncle derek for watching the other three - they missed out on a super dinner! love.