Thursday, November 26, 2015

happy birthday, daddy!

daddy's birthday is on thanksgiving this year! he doesn't mind too much because it means that he gets his favorite meal on his birthday. (last night we took him out for barbecue - one of his other favorites.) 

we started the day with presents! i will be busy with the meal the rest of the day and we go to see the christmas trees at night. it was now or be rushed. and who wants to wait for presents?

i love the look between maddux and big pop in this picture.
mason was SO excited about giving his gift to daddy - a chipotle gift card for a 'date night' with each other. yum, yum!

matt had a lava lamp when we first started dating and it didn't make the cut during one of our many moves. last year there was a lava lamp at one of his office white elephant parties and he really tried to leave with it. so when i saw one at bjs a few months ago, i knew that he had to have it for his birthday. the kids were almost as excited as daddy about having one again!
daddy had great fun teasing the kids about getting food since we used all food containers for our wrapping.
we love daddy so much and loved celebrating him! love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Works out well that he gets his favorite meal, and you had extra party-goers this year :)