Friday, June 24, 2016

members' night at the zoo

it was a beautiful night for the zoo. i packed up some picnic dinner and we picked daddy up from work on our way to "members' night." i did not realize that it was star wars themed and there were a lot of people dressed up. we also had the surprise bonus of some free dippin' dots! since it was "while supplies last," we went there first. and it was delicious!

we ended up eating dinner in the same pavilion where they were painting faces (madelyn's favorite thing next to free food) and made that our next stop.

manning is a fan too but he likes to get it on his hand so that he can see it.

we come to the zoo frequently enough to not spend any time really looking at the animals and instead focused on the star wars activities.

the biggest hit was the bb-8 ice sculpture carving.

excited for some shaved ice.

mason was the only one brave enough (or willing to leave the ice sculpting) to get a picture with the storm trooper.

when he finished, he let the kids come over to touch - much to their delight.

somehow found it kid-free for a finished picture.

we had such an enjoyable evening of family time at the zoo tonight. thank you! love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Dippin' Dots?! I didn't know they were still around!! Yum! I still love that you have so many variations of the same pose - it appears in this case they each wanted to be front on the horse. Madelyn seems to be most laid back about pictures.