Friday, June 10, 2016

movie in the park - inside out

if you have been reading for long, you know that we love the movies in the park put on by the public library each month in the summer. a church and a few local businesses provide inflatables, hot dogs, pop corn, cotton candy, crafts, games, prizes and balloon animals - all for free! it is a wonderful way to enjoy a summer evening. tonight's movie is inside out.
with lunch and camp and dinner at the park, i got most of the day off today! that was pretty special too.

the craft was so cute and simple - painted plate with character templates to color, cut out and glue on.

maddux got his fill of hot dogs and then some.

me and the love bug.
movie time! i must admit that reclining on a blanket with any number of kids laying/leaning on me is not comfortable at all, but the experience is heavenly. love.

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