Friday, August 27, 2010

first lie

madelyn told her first lie last night. she didn't want to go to bed and was trying to stall. i had already done our bedtime routine and was reading in my bed. madelyn came in and was asking for this and that before telling us that it wasn't dark out yet and therefore not bedtime.

madelyn has a nightlight with a timer and matt and i both know that it turns on at 7:30pm. the current time was 7:48pm. (we put her down a little early since she had such a late night the day before.) we told her that it is bed time because her moon is on - go see. obediently she heads to her room and comes back telling us that her moon is not on and it is not bed time.

sometimes the nightlight will get knocked out of the wall slightly when she and mason are playing during the day and not turn on at night until we push it back in tight. so matt said that he would go in a check. "no daddy! don't go in there!" ah-ha. her moon was on after all.

it was a little funny to see her try to convince matt that her moon wasn't on and that he didn't need to check. after a little back and forth she did start to loose her straight, serious face and show the smile of someone caught in their lie. silly girl. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

I can just see her trying to back track and convince you all that there was no need to check. Scary that she was able to keep the straight face for so long. I have a hard time deciphering similar situations with Lorelai, but at this point, she's pretty easy to break - and it hasn't been anything major.

Grandma Z. said...

I was just talking to a parent today asking what to do with her 5 year old that was telling lies and lots of them and then insisting that she is telling the truth. Do you know any advice about this?