Friday, March 4, 2011

madelyn on daddy

i didn't want daddy to feel left out, so here are madelyn's thoughts on daddy - age 3-1/2. love.

1. what is something dad always says to you?  i don't know.  (after prodding her a little bit, i got an answer.)  i love you.

2. what makes dad happy?  um, not biting my nails.

3. what makes dad sad?  biting my nails.

4. how does your dad make you laugh?  tickling me.

5. what was your dad like as a child?  i don't know.(if you had to guess)  he was like me.

6. how old is your dad?  i don't know.  (just guess.)  i still don't know.

7. how tall is your dad?  this tall (hand raised over head and smiling).

8. what is his favorite thing to do?  do his work.

9. what does your dad do when you're not around?  he searches for me.

10. if your dad becomes famous, what will it be for? um, um, being like me.

11. what is your dad really good at?  eating with me and playing with me.

12. what is your dad not good at?  not playing with me and not eating with me.

13.what does your dad do for a job?  does some work.  (what kind of work?)  he works every, every, every, every day.

14.what is your dad's favorite food?  salad.

15.what makes you proud of your dad?  playing with me.

16. if your dad were a cartoon character, who would she be?  bob (the tomato)

17. what do you and your dad do together?  just play.

18. how are you and your dad the same?  daddy is the biggest too.

19. how are you and your dad different?  not having the same hair.  that makes us different.

20. how do you know your dad loves you? because he just does.

21. what does your dad like most about your mom?  tickling her.

22. where is your dad's favorite place to go?  mcdonalds.  (i think that this might actually be his least favorite place.)


Zachritz Family said...

Love this...i might copy your idea!

Grandma Z. said...

Loved reading this. Such a fun thing to do with Maddie.Interviews are always fun.

Witenkling Mommy said...

So cute. Interesting how she (they/kids) think the 'favorite' thing is the thing you do most often.