Sunday, March 6, 2011

preschool sunday

madelyn goes to a lutheran preschool and the church invited the kids from the school to sing during today's service.  madelyn was so very excited and asked every 30 seconds or so if it was time for her to go up on stage to sing.  finally, it was time!  she took off down the aisle only to turn back in tears because she didn't want to go up there without me.  i quickly jumped up and met her before she got back to us (thankfully, i had just finished nursing maddux) and led her back up to the front.  she didn't see any kids she knew and i was happy to find her teacher.  madelyn didn't want to go to her teacher either.  then the helper from her class came over and helped her find her spot in the front row. 

thankfully, she had finished crying, but she was that kid standing in the front row like a deer in the headlights.  i couldn't believe it!  she was so excited about singing and never said a word.  she finally moved a little when they put some rhythm sticks in her hands.  i was already with my camera when they called the kids up, but when she came back crying i set it down.  i was bummed because now i was squatting up in the front right next to her and would have been able to get some great video.  matt was wrangling mason (who was trying to follow me up to the front of the church) and couldn't use the camera.  he was able to get the video below though and the picture of madelyn and i walking back to our seats - she was happy and chatty again by this point even though she doesn't look it in the picture.

the kids stay in service at this church and they provide books and toys to keep them busy, but it was definitely distracting to have them with us.  it didn't help that this was an 11am service and they were starving for lunch.  mason was a very wiggly boy, but he was quiet.  at some point his shoe came off so he wedged it between the pew and the kneeling pad (i don't know what it is actually called) so i had to take a picture.  it just about summed up how well he did at sitting still and staying out of everything.

we didn't even make it to the end of the service because it was already after 12 and mason was starting to loose it.  we had passed lunch time and were quickly approaching nap time.

we had planned to go with daddy to the hospital so that he could hang up a white board in his office and we could finally get to see where he worked.  the hospital cafeteria seemed like the obvious choice for lunch.  the kids were delighted with all the sights of the hospital (maybe i will get pictures another time) and that they could pick out whatever they wanted for lunch - complete with chocolate milk.  there were even little kid sized tables, but they didn't sit there beyond this picture because mommy and daddy weren't sitting with them.

unfortunately, daddy forgot his keys so we weren't able to actually see his office.  we did get to walk around the hospital a little bit though.  some of the views were really great and i can't wait to come back in the spring to see everything in bloom. 

maddux slept through the entire outing.  love.


Grandma Z. said...

First of all, you look terrific! Secondly, Maddie sounds just like you. The next time she'll probably do great. I wish I could see the video better. Love the picture of the two of them eating. Sounds like a great day!

Witenkling Mommy said...

Neat that they got to see Daddy's hospital. Your story about Madelyn being super-excited, then freezing sounds a lot lke Lorelai's Christmas pageant.