based on maddux' recent sleeping habits (or lack thereof), i am feeling very certain that he is going to follow in the footsteps of his older siblings and start solids at four months. both madelyn and mason stopped sleeping through the night at 4 months and suddenly started getting up twice a night so we started solids and it took about a month to get them sleeping through the night again. maddux went from sleeping 12 hours a night to getting up three times each night to feed. this is not going over so well with me. i am tired. very tired.
i am going to try and wait until after his 4-month check-up next week to see what this pediatrician says about it, but i am planning on starting solids next week with him.
one of the ways i am preparing is getting him upright more of the day. i had to prop mason up with blankets in the highchair so that i could feed him 2-3 meals a day when i first started him on solids (the kid couldn't get enough to eat - and couldn't sit up on his own). maddux is way better at sitting upright than madelyn or mason were at this age; he doesn't get tired and flop his head like they would.

we borrowed a neighbor's exersauser for the other two, but that wasn't really going to work out this time. so we bought one. odd, i know, to buy such a major baby product on a third child. and he is already using it at it's highest setting - meaning that he can't get any taller or he won't fit. but it will serve it's purpose of keeping him upright before he can sit on his own. and madelyn and mason
love that he is in it!
here is some video of madelyn showing him everything he can do in it. thankfully, he is used to the excitement now and doesn't get too overstimulated any more. i kept missing him bouncing excitedly in the exersauser, but he really does like it too. love.
This makes Maddux look so big. Maddie is being such a good sister.
I bet an exersaucer is a life-saver with #3. It was for me with #1 and #2 - a safe place to be with entertainment.
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