Monday, March 14, 2011


it looks like maddux might be another big eater now that he is starting to get the hang of this spoon thing.  he at a little over an ounce of sweet potatoes at 'lunch' and finished off 2.5 ounces at 'dinner'.  we'll see how he does tonight - keep your fingers crossed for me.  i think he wanted to keep eating at dinner, but since he hasn't eaten so much in a single sitting before i didn't want to over do it and have it all come right back up.  he did nurse like normal before and after his 2.5 ounces so he could have eaten more.  i guess i better start loading up on baby food...  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

I think with two growing boys in the house, you'll get used to having lots of food on hand in general :)

Grandma Z. said...

It sounds like Maddux will be eating you out of house and home as they say. He is really growing fast!