Sunday, December 25, 2011

24, 17, 19

these are the number of months between our children.  and for you that might struggle with math, you need four children to have three gaps.  and number four is coming in (wait for it...) june!  yes, we are having a third june baby!  at least this time it should be early june (i say "should" because we have had no problem with going 40+ weeks).

we had a 10 week ultrasound at this doctor's office so here are some profile pictures.  you can see the head on the left and a foot/leg on the right.  you can also see an arm/hand near the neck area.  baby looks great so far and has a very good heart rate. 
i have had maybe four or five appointments (there seem to be a lot at this practice).  i have already had my glucose test because maddux was 11 lbs. they want to test me earlier to make sure diabetes isn't an issue (that generally leads to babies over 10 lbs.).  and i will have a second blood/glucose test at 28 weeks.  i didn't get a phone call, so i am guessing that i am in the clear on the blood work (they only call if something is wrong).  i have another check-up in a few weeks so i guess i will get a definite negative at that time.

i am guessing that we will find out boy or girl at the end of january because that is when i will be 20 weeks (i am 16 right now).  and we will be finding out.  either way the baby will sleep in madelyn's room because she is the heaviest sleeper and then we will arrange things for gender appropriateness (if needed) when the baby is ready to leave the crib (some time after turning one).

we just told family on Christmas because we wanted to hold the grandparents off on presents for the new baby.  our house just can't take any more toys! :)  it was a fairly easy secret to keep since we hardly know anyone here and it is winter (lots of layers and bulky clothes).  i did have some trouble dressing for matt's office Christmas party because i was 14 weeks and he hadn't told his boss yet - who was going to be there.  thankfully, i have not shown quite as early with this one as i did with maddux (or i just didn't lose as much weight between kids...).

mainly i have had aversions to sweets (and really most food doesn't taste great), teeth brushing makes me dry heave and i am exhausted.  this is all similar to my other pregnancies, but the sweets aversion was only with madelyn so i am thinking that it is a girl.  we are hoping for a girl to even things out but will be happy either way.

the next six months are going to be busy!  my main goal is to have mason potty trained before the baby gets here because i don't want three in diapers!  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

That is so something I would do- and actually already did calculate between Maddux and MLG #4 :) Glad everything is going well. Interesting that you think this is another girl because of the sweet aversion. The only 'wives tale' that ever came true for me was craving orange juice - couldn't get enough of it! Good thing you have at least one sound sleeper - and that its your oldest (one you can likely 'reason' with the most)to place 4 with.

Grandma Z. said...

I think she is beautiful!I'm just glad you are feeling good and the baby is healthy. I'll let you know my real guess when I see you, can't wait!!!

Rob Zachritz said...

Wonderful news. It's so much fun reading all about it. Maybe Baby will come on May 28th. Love, Uncle Rob

Anonymous said...

I'm kinda hoping for a another little girl since I never had girls and that would make 2 of each for you, but I love the boys too. We will just pray for a healthy little one. Or should I even use the work "little". Baby MLG's great grandpa Dwight Grubb's birthday was June 2nd -- maybe #4 will be early. I hope this one doesn't get so big for your sake Michelle. Can't wait! It kind of changes our plans for June -- we were going to ask if we could come visit with the Mays b/c we were going to have them come to Indiana. Maybe we can change that to the fall. Oh, I noticed you mom said "she is beautiful"!!! Nana