Saturday, December 10, 2011

a night in bethlehem

the church where the kids go to school had a free "night in bethlehem" this weekend.  i wasn't really sure what to expect, but i wasn't expecting much.  the flier said live animals, snacks and crafts, so i figured it would be worth checking out.  it was amazing!!

i could not believe how much they did from the time we picked madelyn up at school on friday to saturday afternoon.  i had a difficult time figuring out where we were in the building because it was so transformed.  matt said that he didn't think i should take any pictures in the market place.  there were 'local' snacks (mason ate an entire fig - and liked it), crafts for the kids, 'taxes' to be paid with the 'coin' (large washer) we were given when we entered the building and a 'jail' for those who had given their 'coin' to a beggar.  madelyn started crying when the jailer asked her if she had been good (he was in roman soldier costume and had just put an older kid in the 'jail').  

after the market place we heard about Jesus' birth and life from some 'shepards' and 'prophets' before making our way to the manger where they had a live baby boy as Jesus!

then we went out to see the animals in the stable and matt said i could take pictures (no one else was taking pictures any where - which shocked me because it all looked so amazing).   there were all sorts of animals but the kids were really excited about the donkey/mule (i think the other one was a pony but don't know for sure).
maddux slept through the entire thing.  maybe next year he will get to take part. love.

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