Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas eve

Christmas eve was a quiet day at home.  i did all of the food preparations for Christmas so that i wouldn't have to do any cooking tomorrow.  mason discovered how to button his jammies and must have unbuttoned and buttoned his shirt a hundred times over the course of the day!  they were all sitting at the table waiting for their next meal/snack so matt tried to get a picture with all three smiling - it didn't happen - but i thought that some of these were cute.
we went to a Christmas eve church service with plans to look at lights afterwards.  i wanted to get a family picture, but it didn't happen.  i should have at least taken a picture of madelyn because she wore her velvet and sequin dress from her school concert with knee high "joy" socks (red and grey with green letters) and pink glitter tennis shoes!  she got a lot of comments on how nice her outfit was - which she loved!

there were several houses with lights set to music near us so we went to see a few.  mason fell asleep a few moments after we left the church parking lot but maddux and madelyn stayed awake for the first house.  matt did get in the back of the van to wake mason up so that he could see the disney portion of the show (they had a projection screen showing movie clips while the lights danced to the soundtrack).  mason went right back to sleep as we drove away and maddux wasn't far behind.

here is a video of the second house (which was actually two houses).  the music is black eyed peas which is funny because the song before was i want a hippopotomus for Christmas and the next song was silent night!
we didn't get home until after 9 - way past bedtime.  normally we would have gotten the boys into their jammies but we couldn't risk them waking and being up for a few hours so we just put them down in their church clothes.  madelyn woke up when we got home because of a promise to let her open some new Christmas jammies from under the tree.  but she could barely stay awake.  i had to put out the santa cookies, etc. myself.  next year we will go see lights earlier in the week so that Christmas eve can be less rushed.

matt did a lot of assembly and i did some wrapping and stocking stuffing before calling it a night.  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Awesome lights show! I'm impressed the kids stayed asleep, even if in their church clothes. And that they slept in!

Anonymous said...

You can tell Mason is really concentrating on those buttons. Cute! Nana