Wednesday, July 4, 2012


after dinner and baths, we took the kids out to see the downtown fireworks display - from our driveway!  matt thought that we would be able to see them from there and i told him that he better be right because the kids were really looking forward to seeing them.

while waiting for them to start we got to hunt fireflies and watch some fireworks from the neighbor behind us (he didn't stop when the real fireworks started or for hours after they ended).  i guess our neighborhood is a good place to watch from because several cars came and parked down the road in front of several empty lots.
maddux showing me some fireworks from the neighbor.

i liked how all three kids lined up to watch.
and we had a great view!  the picture doesn't really do it justice, but we could see the entire display right from our driveway.  matt looked at me and said, "i really love our house."  and i couldn't agree more.  we didn't have to drive anywhere or spend any money to have a very enjoyable fourth of july!  and manning slept through the whole thing!

mason fell asleep during the fireworks.  it was still pretty warm out and matt and i were melting under squirmy kids on and off our laps.  the display went on much longer than i would have thought - maybe thirty minutes (or it seemed that long anyway).

such a great family day!  love.


Grandma Z. said...

Nothing like having fireworks in your own front yard and very convenient for young kids!

Anonymous said...

I watched a great f. display from my lounge at TC. It went on forever. I finally gave it up, thinking I must have seen almost every possible kind. NM does a good show. So nice you could see them from your house :) Luv, Nana

Witenkling Mommy said...

Another yay for the new house :) Wonderful that the bigger kids got to see the fireworks and Manning got to sleep. Perfecto!