Tuesday, November 12, 2013

maddux 3-year check-up

i picked the boys up early from school to take maddux for his 3-year check-up.  he was the 'birthday snack friend' today and brought cocoa-banana snack cake.  i was worried that it might be too 'healthy' but the report was that the kids loved it.  i had checked with his teacher last week to make sure that maddux wouldn't miss the snack when i picked him up early.

the kids just love it when they get old enough to wear the gown at the doctor's office.  and maddux is now a big kid.  he wanted to answer all of the doctor's questions that were directed at me.  it was nice to have him be so vocal at his appointment.  here are his stats...

height:  42-1/4 inches (over 99th percentile)
weight:  39.4 pounds (over 97th) - she said he was right on track with his height
bmi: 33rd percentile

i had several minor things to ask her about - one of which being the excessive drooling.  maddux was never a drooler as a baby, but he is like a faucet now.  she checked his nose, tonsils and throat throughly but she said there is nothing that would explain his drooling.  she said that it is most likely one of those things like a runny nose - at some point he is going to learn to suck it back in.

since we were there, we got flu shots for the two big boys (manning already had his).  the boys were told to keep one arm out of their shirts.  they each picked an arm and then talked about how they weren't going to cry.

do you know that they both watched but never cried or even flinched at all?!  they did each say "ouch" though.  i was very impressed that they were able to take turns getting a shot without any theatrics - especially since it was well past lunch time.

maddux also got a new kind of eye exam for non-readers.  it is just a photo of his eyes that is super sensitive and picks up all sorts of abnormalities.  they are testing it to see which insurance companies will cover it.  if ours doesn't there will still be no charge to us (it is just a $10 procedure).  as long as his test results are 'normal' we won't hear any more about it.

oh and she also said that his lungs are clear of the pneumonia, even though he has picked up another cold.

yay for a healthy 3-year-old!  love.


Grandma Z. said...

Looks like they like the doctor! They are brave little boys and I love the picture of the two of them. Love that Maddux smile!!

Witenkling Mommy said...

Knox is a drooler, too. It's on my list for his 2.5 year check up in December.

Anonymous said...

Such cuties! When I enlarged Maddux's pic, I could see the drool. Glad they like the doctor. Love the pics.