Wednesday, November 20, 2013

november mops craft

this month's mops meeting topic was "how to talk about the tough stuff".  we had a fellow member and school psychologist cover how to talk with our kids about war/terrorism, bullying/cyberbullying and death and how kids manifest stress at every age.  it was really, really great!  to go along with our topic we made "nest" necklaces with beads representing our children as a symbol of our homes being a safe and loving place. (and they are just pretty.)

the one shown here is mine that served as the sample. i used 'birthstone' beads, but we also had (fake) pearls and fun colorful beads.  they are super easy to make - i used these instructions for making ours - and everyone was pretty pleased with the way they turned out.  we even had the moppets (aka childcare) workers come over to make some after the meeting.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Love it -- what a great idea :) AND great topic. Nana