Saturday, November 16, 2013

operation christmas child

the kids love (and i mean love) putting together boxes for operation christmas child.  they really look forward to it every year.  this year madelyn was able to put together boxes at church (on sunday and on wednesday) and we put together four boxes at home.  the boys did most of the supply shopping with me and we tried to pick what madelyn would like the best - we succeeded.  the kids are always struck by the number of 'normal' things go in the box; that soap, toothbrushes, combs, etc. are 'gifts' to someone who doesn't have them.

the kids also worked on some pictures to include in 'their' boxes.  mason drew a picture of him, maddux and jesus (i don't know why i don't have a picture).

today we went to build boxes with our mops group.  we each brought several of an item and let the kids fill the boxes.  most of our group had never heard of operation christmas child when i suggested it, but i think it really came together thanks to our service chair who organized and hosted us!  we were struggling with shoeboxes so our host ran to chick-fil-a this morning to pick some up.  they were out but generously offered to take down all of the boxes they had hanging from the ceiling!!  how nice was that?!  our goal was to fill 10 boxes (we are a pretty small group) but we ended up with 21!
the kids all completed a fill-in-the-blank style letter to put in a box. 
there was so much joy as the kids filled the boxes.
not all of the ladies brought their kids, but we had a pretty good crew.  manning stayed home with matt because he is better at emptying the boxes than filling them.

so thankful to have this opportunity to give!  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

21 boxes is awesome! How cool the cfa people took them down for her :)