Saturday, May 24, 2014

my date with mason

after soccer and lunch, mason and i went on a day date. the plan was to work on plans for his birthday party. mason is turning five this year, so he gets a party (we don't do them for every birthday). he is pretty excited about it.

he and i went out for ice cream and discussed what he wanted to do for his birthday party, who to invite, etc. he thought that daddy was going to be pretty surprised to see how much there was to do for the party (i was taking notes on a little notepad). after ice cream, we went out to find invitations and scout out options for balloons, party favors, games, etc.

my absolute favorite part of our date was that mason had me all to himself and would not let go of my hand for even a moment. i had to ask him to let go when i needed both hands to do something. i just love this little guy so much! love.

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