Friday, May 30, 2014

preschool year in review

the boys each brought home a notebook that reviewed their entire year at school. mason's had all of his colors, shapes, letters, favorites, etc. it was a complete notebook - too much to photograph, but the page above was one of my most favorite. i love how mason was able to draw superman and batman with some details from memory.

maddux' notebook was filled will pictures, here are a few of his favorite pages. that 2-year-old room is so special - mainly due to his extremely godly and loving teachers. i am so sad that manning isn't going to get that experience with them next year (we didn't want to pay for three kids to be in preschool at once when i am staying home).

this is what mason's teacher had to say on his end of year review:
- he knows all of his colors, shapes, numbers and letters (she wrote "wonderful!" next to those fields)
- "thank you for sharing mason with us this year. he has been a joy to teach!"
- they also commented that he gets the award for "best hair" in one of their thank you notes.
- he "shows readiness for kindergarten" but they fully support our decision to hold him back next year and do pre-k instead of kindergarten.

maddux' teacher wrote a long and heartfelt letter, here are a few excerpts: 
"what a pleasure it has been to have maddux in our class this year. he is a wonderfully outgoing little boy who always has a story to share. he truly enjoys all he does to the fullest. 

...maddux follows directions well and is a full participant in all class activities. his energy and enthusiasm in all he does adds a spark to our class. he is a very smart little boy and once engaged in an activity no matter how big or small; block building, an art project or participating in group activities maddux shows determination to do and be the best in all he does..."

such a great school year for the two big boys! we are so proud of them. and they are pretty proud of themselves - and their school notebooks. love.

1 comment:

Our family said...

Curious about your decision to hold Mason an extra year. Do you think you'll do that with Manning too? I have been glad that Erik is on the older end of his class (September) but know without a doubt Lainey is ready for kindergarten in the fall (June). Kyle will be the tough one to decide (August) although I anticipate holding him a year since he just barely will make the cut off.