Sunday, May 31, 2015

a little about manning

- i say "p.u.!" when changing diapers. manning is the first one to say, "no, p. me!"

- manning's favorite color is yellow. he is the first kiddo to not start out with orange as their favorite color. at least it is orange adjacent and maddux' hand-me-downs shouldn't be too much of a problem.

- i love when he says, "mommy"

- the kids love to talk about how they are growing up. manning insists that he is not a "big" boy, he is a "little" boy. i asked him if he was going to always be little and he told me, "just for one more minute." yes.

- manning is a total mommy's boy.

- he calls madelyn "yaddie."

- frozen and cinderella are some of his favorite movies. he might be the only person who isn't tired of "let it go" yet and sings it almost daily at the top of his lungs.

i am going to be a little sad to see him start preschool next year - even though i am relishing the thought of a few hours alone. everyone loves him, especially me. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

He sounds delightful and adorable :)