Thursday, May 28, 2015

the final last day of school

and today is the boys' last day of school! they were pretty excited to finish up and get summer started. and madelyn was really excited to have a day with just me and manning. but not putting madelyn on the bus threw off our morning preparations and we were scrambling to drop of the boys, maddux with snack, and getting manning to his last swimming lesson! yikes! but i still paused to snap a quick last day picture of the boys.

after manning's swimming lessons, we went to our 'new' park so that madelyn could try it out. unfortunately, it was a little wet from the rain so we didn't stay too long. madelyn was impressed with it and can't wait to come back.

we picked the boys up, went out to a celebratory lunch at mcdonalds (by request), ran home for me to have a meeting and then went to stock up at the dollar store on some summer fun. we got a little carried away...

then we spent some time outside. manning drew another portrait of me. i love that he added my watch and pray for wyatt bracelet.

manning even gave the balance bike a spin! he seems to have taken to it better than any of the other boys. he isn't fast, but he is the first to understand that he has to sit down the whole time.

mason drew a smallish hopscotch board for us and manning was hysterical.

but our best purchase by far was the badminton rackets! seriously, the kids must have spent an hour with them. and manning was so funny, he just giggled the entire time.

summer is off to a really great start! love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

aw- he drew your pray for Wyatt bracelet. So sweet and great attention to detail :) Clearly you must always have it on.