Wednesday, May 27, 2015

last day of school

madelyn has been crying about this day for an entire year - the last day of school. next year she moves to a different school for third grade and is so sad to leave all of her teachers. and then she was crying because her 'bad' mommy scheduled a dentist appointment for this morning! yikes! apparently she was going to miss yearbook signing this morning.

so we asked the dentist to get us out as quickly as possible - not that they aren't always super efficient with us. all four had a great check-up. madelyn was only 15 minutes late to school and when we signed her in, the secretary (who is super awesome) said that if she could keep just one second grader, it would be madelyn. that cheered madelyn (and me) right up! and she was just in time for yearbook signing!

she was sobbing when she got off the bus in the afternoon though. she just loves her school! love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

aw. what a sweetheart. That has to make you feel good that she loves school so much. Still weird to me that they switch schools at 3rd grade. I can't imagine the second graders being the big kids on campus. I forget, does Mason go to her 'old' school next year? three schools for you?